Solar Renewable Energy
The dream of free energy from the sun has been something of a quest for many generations of scientists ,but the latest advances in technology are bringing this form of power to the home owner.
Solar renewable energy can be used for lighting, cooking, water heating and even powering vehicles.
You have probably already been the beneficiary of renewable solar energy without knowing it, as some traffic signs already use the sun to keep them functioning when other power can't reach them.
In your own home you can create the basic solar unit from some black plastic piping and a small pump - and within minutes warm, and even hot water, will be able to be circulated to a pool or under floor heating system.
If you are a more adventurous DIY home owner, a kitset for a roof mounted set of solar panels can provide hot water to a storage tank for use in most household situations. You may use this solar renewable energy just as a top up for other types of heating, and there will be a saving in your utility bills too.
You should consider installing solar photo voltaic panels that allow electricity to be produced in the same form as that obtained from a battery. This form of solar renewable energy is employed in wilderness areas to power electric fencing and remote monitoring systems for weather reporting. The space station uses this form of power and while it means a substantial outlay for the homeowner, if you want to look at green options this certainly is a worthwhile one.
You need a lot more roof space for this type of panel and more wiring that might be best left to a qualified electrician to install. The real attraction for solar renewable energy is that you will always get energy when the sun is shining. There are very few working parts in the systems that could wear out, making them low maintenance as well.
More benefits of solar renewable energy systems include that they make no noise, and can look stylish when mounted on the roof facing in the direction of the sun's rays. The average home can easily incorporate some form of solar power, even if it is just to illuminate pathways around the home.
Major utility companies are slow to adopt solar renewable energy and this is probably because at present there are few incentives to make change - and they can just pass fuel cost increases on to the consumer without any real resistance.
Better technology has developed photo cells to the point where they are becoming a competitive generation alternative, but you needn't wait for your utility company to get up to speed with this.
Take matters into your own hands and become self sufficient for your home's energy needs.
The logistics of solar renewable energy mean you won't have to spend a lot at first to get some benefit. You can get a feel for how it works, because in lots of communities there are solar energy companies more than willing to demonstrate their product.
We hope that this article will stimulate your interest enough to take at least a look at what can be achieved.
The more people like you that get involved, the cheaper units will be.